Am I the only christian that doesn't care if everything associated with the most materialistic holiday of all time is labeled with Christ's name?
I mean really... What did Christ have to do with spending an average of 5% of our annual income on stuff we don't need?
Let's stop focusing whether or not someone is labeling their tree and lights as CHRISTmas and focus on what the season really means...
The creator of the universe came to Earth in human for to show us how to live and to suffer and die as the perfect sacrifice for all of our past, present, and future screw ups... Giving gifts doesn't show someone that you love them... Giving yourself shows them that you love them!
It starts with YOU! Then it spreads to those closest to you, and if everyone shares themselves with others, that is when true change happens.
I encourage you to not try to show your love through presents this season, but rather to show your love with your presence!