Lets do it together now. We'll read a section together and then I'll give some visualization suggestions.
READ Matthew 26:36-46
- Feel the tiredness of the disciples
- Notice the change in Jesus demeanor
- Smell the smells of the garden
- earth
- flowers
- cedar
- Feel embarrassed as Jesus returns to find you sleeping
- Feel your eye lids falling as you fight like you've never fought before to keep your eyes open
- Feel confused as Jesus says things that don't makes sense about a betrayer.
- See Judas off in the distance.
- Feel excited to see a friendly face
- Notice the crowd of people following him
- Feel curious as to why there are men with clubs and swords following Judas
- Feel your mind ease as he comes up and kisses Jesus
- Feel the anger rise in you realize Judas has led the men to Jesus for them to take Him
- See Peter wildly swing his sword and cut off the servants ear
- Feel confusion as Jesus says that you shouldn't fight for his life
- Feel the intense fear inside you
- Feel the branches hitting your face as you run away
- Feel your legs throbbing as you run as fast and as far as you can
- As you notice you're probably safe, you keep running because it's the only thing keeping you from sobbing because your friend and teacher is going to be killed.
- Feel the understanding that you are guilty by association and will probably be killed also