Monday, April 13, 2009


there once was a boy named rerek who lived in an enchanted moving house far far away. he lived there with his two friends shmaitlin and flennifer. rerek and his two friends loved to go on long drives to do events for the company they work for, LOMS Bloes.

One day after an especially long drive, and an especially hard event, rerek and the two girls got a day off for shmeaster. This day off felt soooooo wonderful to the three that they decided to feast and feast they did! There was tofurkey, and messy potatoes, and green bean casserole, and 4 different kinds of dessert. In the midst of this colossal bounty rerek made the key mistake of eating too much. Now rerek has insomnia because his belly is full and aching... THE END

hope you all enjoy my oh so short fictional story! In fact, though, it was loosely based on a true story. The names were changed to protect the innocent. Happy Easter everyone and don't forget that the reason there is a season is because the only perfect man, who also happened to be fully God, laid down his life in sacrifice to atone for our past, present, and future transgressions. It really is the ultimate love story!

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