It's been a while since I've written a post! I have been so busy with starting classes and the Nuru student organization (I'll talk more about this in a later post) that I haven't had a spare minute to sit down and type out my thoughts. It's either that or I haven't had any thoughts... I'll let you choose for yourself...:-/ I saw the above picture and it made me think what's going on in my head... Thoughts and information are coming and going from every direction and occasionally they run into each other and pile up...LOL
Anyway I was reading in II Corinthians this morning and came across where Paul was talking about how he was no less of an apostle than the "super apostles" he talks about because he doesn't boast about himself. The particular verse that I'm thinking of is 12:6 and reads:
6Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say.Now let me put this into context. Paul was an epic dude! He started out as an uber jew named Saul who killed Christ followers! He would not have been a very cool guy if his story had ended there... God had different plans for him though and he was saved by God's grace, changed his name to Paul, and began to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the gentiles!(See Acts Chapter 9 for the full story of Saul's Conversion)
Isn't God's grace amazing??? He forgave and embraced with open arms this man who killed his children! I saw a Francis Chan sermon one time during which he gave an metaphorical illustration of God's grace. He picked a random person from the audience and gave them a $100 bill... He went on to explain that grace is receiving something that you don't deserve... That is awesome!!! God offers us the chance to live forever and all we have to do is believe... There's absolutely nothing we can do to deserve heaven or eternal life but though God's grace we can receive it... Again, God is awesome!!!!!
Back to the verse. I'm kinda like Paul in that my past isn't spotless... I mean I haven't murdered Christians or anything, but I've done my fair share of sinning... I am forgiven, just as Paul was, for those sins and now have the chance to live my life sold out for Christ just like Paul! I guess I just long to be able to make that statement about myself! My goal in life be in a situation where I have done awesome things for God and I can just stand back and give all the glory for it to Him...
Anyway, I guess that's all I have for right now. Next issue will be about accountability! Thanks to my good friend Billy for the idea:-)
Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,
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