I have finally decided what the next step is for me after graduation. I'm not going to go into much detail at this point because I intend to spend mucho time in prayer about it before I tell the world! It does involve a pretty radical lifestyle change that will not be comfortable...
I was looking at my past two posts and I realized that I was either sick, tired, or both when I wrote them. So I figured I'd take a happy picture and display it for all to see. I'm not asleep on my book or nastily sick looking, but I am smiling!
I've been struggling with what the next step in my life would be... Every thing I came up with left me sour taste in my mouth. The decision I came to this morning is the first future plan that I've come up with that leads me to something other than mediocrity. We aren't called, as Christians, to live lives of mediocrity... We are called to follow the example that Christ set while here on Earth, and His life was far from mediocre... I mean when his friends left him standing on the sea shore, instead of doing what we would do and yell or swim after them, he just hopped on the water and walked out to them!!! And when he wanted to heal a blind man he didn't lay hands on him and pray for him, he hocked up a holy loogy(to borrow from Shane Claiborne) and mixed it with dirt and rubbed it on his eyes... Maybe I'm wrong but that doesn't sound mediocre to me...
I'm making a committment to live for Christ no matter the cost and where ever that leads me I will follow!
Be blessed,
D-Wreckasourus (thats my rapper name)
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