I was reading the story in Exodus about when God rained down manna from Heaven for the Israelites to eat. Well manna as translated in the New International Version is bread. Well to paraphrase, God provided bread for the Israelites to eat and told them not to take more than they needed to get through the day. God told Moses that He was testing them to make sure they fully trusted that He would provide enough food for them to survive and not starve.
Well to make a short story shorter, they hoarded more than they needed and God sent maggots to destroy it and made it rot and stink up their camps. I feel like it's no coincidence that money is now sometimes referred to as bread because it is very similar to Biblical manna in that people can't get enough of it and will always hoard much more than is needed.
Americans, and the West in general, have been hoarding resources for many years! Before that it was someone else... That is the cycle that history shows us. It doesn't matter how great the power when greed takes over the society falls.
I don't really have a point in this post I don't guess other than to point out that greed is bad and that everyone should consider how much they really need because there are a myriad of awesome causes out there that would appreciate your extras and would put them to good use. (one of which is Nuru International)
Anyway, keep living life and loving Jesus!
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