This is a picture of a group of friends and I sharing a meal together. This is more than a picture of a group of friends though. This is a photograph of community. This is a group of friends who are connected on some level. Some through religion and some through other interests and passions. Each of whom's presence would have been missed had they not been there. I think there is something inside all of us that desires community. Maybe the word community is too christianized for some people... Don't stop reading if that's you! I think we all desire to get that call from a member of a group wondering where we were and letting us know that we were missed...
I have personally been lucky enough to experience this type of community twice in my fairly short life. The first was as a part of Morgantown Multisport. When I started becoming involved in this community the members were super active and I got calls on multiple occasions wondering where I was and if I was okay.
My second experience with true community was a part of the Nuru International Grassroots Movement. I got involved with this organization because I felt like I needed to do something to give back. What I didn't know, when I started becoming more involved, was that the issue of extreme poverty was going to grip my heart and not let go. I didn't realize that I was going to volunteer to give ALL of my strengths and talents to this cause. I didn't realize that I was coming into a group of people that love because they were first loved and give because it's the right thing to do. I respect these people as much as anyone on Earth and look forward to ending extreme poverty with them in our life times!
That's what is on my heart today:) Take it or leave it, but be sure to keep your laces tied!