That being said, I am struggling emotionally! I miss my friends from home... I miss my relationship with my boys asking me hard questions about my walk with God! Don't get me wrong, I have some awesome Christians in my life, but I'm just not at the place relationship wise that they are calling me out for being stupid... I need those people in my life and I'm seeking it out right now. I have tons of questions that I'm hoping I can figure out the answers to soon so that I can fully adjust to life in this new city.
I guess the first question I have is how to balance the most ridiculously hectic life I've ever been a part of with a growing relationship with Christ? I really need to focus more on getting one on one time with God. It is so hard to get alone time when you live in a house with 14 people. I guess it really means being more intentional and getting up when it isn't exactly comfortable to read the Bible and pray... Maybe it means going to bed a little bit earlier also... I really don't know, but I know exactly what to do all at the same time.
Given the right context, my personality allows me to put my faith in my relationships with others while straying from God. I feel like I'm moving in that direction right now, but I know this about myself and I can make changes. Another personality flaw that I have is justification... I'm really good at justifying my actions...
I knew before coming out here that I would have tremendous opportunities to grow as a person and it has already started. It is way easier to see your flaws and have them pointed out to you when you're amongst the same 13 people all day every day. I guess my prayer for the moment is that I find someone to call me out for being stupid and to spur me on toward growth in Christ. I love everything about this experience so far, and I hope that I can maintain an open mind and a loving heart toward everyone I come in contact with! I want to be the change I wish to see in the world and I want to love like Christ loved.... Unconditionally and without prejudice...
Sorry for the somber tone, but maybe this picture will cheer up the mood of the post:-)
1 comment:
hi derek its your sis leah i see you got some girls are they the ones you will be travelin with cause they look pretty cool well if you are online by 2marrow i will have internet till then so you can email me or feel free 2 text me any time luvvvvvvv uuuuuuuuuu leah
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