I really have no desire to try and fully understand the way God works. It is a marvelous balance that is always perfect and always revealed in due time. I guess the thoughts that are going through my mind are about how God uses the situations we're in to teach us how to live, to teach us how to love.
I'm living in a house with 14 people, most of which I would probably never be friends with under normal circumstances. The ages range from 19-28. There is no possible way that everyone can be on the same level as far as maturity is concerned. Gossip happens, people get on peoples nerves, dishes don't get washed, some like to stay up late, some like to get up early, some like to eat meat, some don't, some follow Jesus, some don't, some talk loud, some talk quiet, some are neat and some are very messy. Everyone is different and we're called to love without prejudice the way that Christ loves us, in spite of ourselves.
We all naturally have a God sized void inside of us that can't be filled by anything else... It breaks my heart to see people trying to fill that void with alcohol, drugs, or even other people. I have an enormous capacity to love these people because I know what it feels like to be where they are... I've been there, I've felt the brokenness, I know the satisfaction that Christ brings to our lives!
That being said, the people I have little capacity to love are the ones who annoy me... It's hard for me to write this post because I've claimed to be a lover of all people for a long time now. I really need Christ to mold me into a man who can love with out prejudice... I am full of preconceived ideas about people when I first meet them based on the way they look, or talk, or smell... This can't go on...
My prayer right now is that I die to myself, and daily take up my cross and follow Christ... Selfishness is something I've always struggled with and it's even harder to deal with in this land of material excess called Los Angeles. I pray for a humble heart and a servants attitude. If you're reading this I'd ask you to say a prayer for me in these areas. I am adjusting to my new surroundings and I'm not sure that is always a good thing...
Until next time,
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