Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wise words on marriage that I recently read

Hello to all my blog followers and to those of you who read this on facebook! I really appreciate the fact that you care what I have to say. I know most of it ends up being complaining about one thing or another, but that is just what I use my blog for. To complain... It's my outlet :-)

Anyway, I wanted to share some advice I recently read about how a husband should treat his wife. I am planning(and I encourage you too also if you're a man) to pray that if I am supposed to get married that I can be the kind of husband described below.

Honor her maritally. Take a wife honorably. Establish right priorities, and be a one woman man—absolutely faithful to your wife.

Honor her physically. Be strong for your wife, not against her. Be protective of her and present with her.

Honor her emotionally. Be emotionally present and intimate. Take her on dates.

Honor her verbally. Speak honorably to her. Speak honorably of her, when she is present and absent.

Honor her financially. Provide for the financial needs of your family, organize your budget, and be generous towards your wife.

Honor her practically. Consider her needs and how you can serve her.

Honor her parentally. Be “Pastor Dad” by shepherding your children (praying with them, teaching them about Jesus, reading the Bible with them, etc.).

Honor her spiritually. You initiate and lead prayer, Bible, chats, church attendance, etc. Take responsibility for your church.

Anyway, until next time,

Derek K. Roberts

Friday, November 13, 2009

Christmas or Holiday debate

Am I the only christian that doesn't care if everything associated with the most materialistic holiday of all time is labeled with Christ's name?

I mean really... What did Christ have to do with spending an average of 5% of our annual income on stuff we don't need?

Let's stop focusing whether or not someone is labeling their tree and lights as CHRISTmas and focus on what the season really means...

The creator of the universe came to Earth in human for to show us how to live and to suffer and die as the perfect sacrifice for all of our past, present, and future screw ups... Giving gifts doesn't show someone that you love them... Giving yourself shows them that you love them!

It starts with YOU! Then it spreads to those closest to you, and if everyone shares themselves with others, that is when true change happens.

I encourage you to not try to show your love through presents this season, but rather to show your love with your presence!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Homeless Church?

i wasn't sure how they would receive honest biblical truth..
because i doubt they've ever gotten it before
like i talked about having to make the decision between drinking and God...
or sex and God
or fighting and God
and how that we naturally want to do what feels good
but we can ask God to come into our lives and change us
like really change us
and He will!
all we have to do is BELIEVE, repent, be baptized, and receive the holy spirit!
it's crazy simple

and they listened
and understood
and walked away
no tear filled confessions, no praying of scripted prayers...
but i believe a seed was planted
that will grow as we grow together
into true life change
and true faith
because the journey IS the destination!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I value community...

This is a picture of a group of friends and I sharing a meal together. This is more than a picture of a group of friends though. This is a photograph of community. This is a group of friends who are connected on some level. Some through religion and some through other interests and passions. Each of whom's presence would have been missed had they not been there. I think there is something inside all of us that desires community. Maybe the word community is too christianized for some people... Don't stop reading if that's you! I think we all desire to get that call from a member of a group wondering where we were and letting us know that we were missed...

I have personally been lucky enough to experience this type of community twice in my fairly short life. The first was as a part of Morgantown Multisport. When I started becoming involved in this community the members were super active and I got calls on multiple occasions wondering where I was and if I was okay.

My second experience with true community was a part of the Nuru International Grassroots Movement. I got involved with this organization because I felt like I needed to do something to give back. What I didn't know, when I started becoming more involved, was that the issue of extreme poverty was going to grip my heart and not let go. I didn't realize that I was going to volunteer to give ALL of my strengths and talents to this cause. I didn't realize that I was coming into a group of people that love because they were first loved and give because it's the right thing to do. I respect these people as much as anyone on Earth and look forward to ending extreme poverty with them in our life times!

That's what is on my heart today:) Take it or leave it, but be sure to keep your laces tied!


Friday, June 12, 2009

To Raise up a Society

Recently I've been spending some time thinking and journaling about how to most effectively pursue my passions. I have also been trying to narrow the focus of what I consider a passion. What I've come up with is not really that surprising, but I feel like it is super useful toward focusing my mind and being able to chase it with everything I have.

As per my last entry, I had been thinking about the "what ifs" in life and wondering how much easier life could be if I could just not care and feel connected to all those who are suffering around the world. I feel like it would be easier financially, but what good is money if you're miserable? I think it has been well documented, throughout history, that money doesn't equal happiness. So I'm finding joy in the simplicity of my life right now. I have applied for jobs and haven't heard back from any of them, but I have a peace inside me that is telling me that everything will be okay. I'm going to sell a few things and try to make some cash to live on for a while. If I get a call back for a job that would be great, but God will provide as long as I am pursuing the things He has laid on my heart. I have absolutely no doubt in that statement!

Anyway, the reason I started this post was to declare my focus for this season of my life. The broad goal is to help raise up a nation of compassionate children who know and care about global issues. The reason for my focus on this is because I feel that the only way to end the suffering of so many around the world, is to start with the children of today and teach them how to live. How to live as one world. How to live without focus on success, but on quality of life for everyone! I don't know exactly how I'm going to accomplish this, but I do know that this is what I'm here for and why I am where I am, and why I've done what I've done!

Keep your laces tied,

Monday, June 8, 2009

The color blue...

As I sat on the deck outside my parents house reading with a glass of wine in hand, and I began to question my callings in life. I felt, in that moment, that it would be nice to be normal. To have a job, a house, a wife, kids... I almost felt bad for letting the thoughts slip into my stream of consciousness. It was the first time in almost two years that something like that had crossed my mind. I don't know what it was. I just started thinking, "what if?" What if God hadn't been working inside of me for years, subtly letting me know that it wasn't necessary to settle for the status quo? What if I could forgo my passion for the poor, get a nice cushy accounting job, and buy a nice house with a deck and lawn furniture? What if I wasn't suppose to live a different kind of life?

I don't know the answers to these questions. I'm not even going to hypothesize as to why, at this moment in my life, I'm even asking them. I do not know the answers, but I do know why I ask. I ask because that is what I do. I ask. I question everything. I always have. Questioning is healthy. Only truth withstands questioning. I suppose questioning God's plan is part of that too.

I've known I was called to something different than most people for a while now. I still don't know quite what that calling is... I happy to be different. I'm happy to be monetarily poor if that's what it means for me to follow Christ. I know that being poor is not the only way. I know that there will be plenty of accountants in heaven, but I can't reconcile that with my desire to help people. I can't let it go! There is no other reason for me to feel directly connected to starving peoples around the world other than that their creator is loving through me! I want to pursue closeness with Him so that the passion I feel for the "least of these" might only grow stronger!

Anyway, I guess that's all I have for tonight. I'm gonna get some rest I think. Perhaps I'll do some journaling... Oh and if you're wondering about the title of this post, there is no meaning to it... I was just going to call it blue because I'm fond of the color but I thought "The color blue..." was much more mystical:-)


Monday, June 1, 2009

A New Day

This past week has been crazy. Things have happened that I am not yet, and I don't know if I'll ever, be ready to blog about in it's entirety. I do want to talk about how amazing my family is.

We lived through a modern day tragedy as a family. I don't mean financial trouble or small injuries, I mean full on tragedy resulting in a lost life. A life that hadn't experienced everything it should have experienced, a life that should have been a life much longer, and a life that left behind many memories with everyone that was lucky enough to cross it's path.

In the middle of this tragedy, I witnessed many characteristics in my family that I don't even have close to enough time to discuss. I would like to talk about one and it is the way everyone banded together to deal with it all as one fluid body. We laughed together and we cried together, we ate together and we complained about eating too much together, we wondered why together and we prayed to God to give us the peace to not have to understand together. We did EVERYTHING together! It was beautiful the way that everyone turned their own agenda over to God and to the service of the others.

I took some time away over the last couple of days to spend some time connecting with God and to visit a friend. It has been great to clear my mind and collect my thoughts. It was so great to be able to reflect a little bit. I have soooo much more reflection that needs to take place. I still haven't fully reflected on my experience at TOMS, let alone the experiences of the last week. God's perfect plan is in motion and all that's happened has been a part of that plan. We can't see how it all fits in now and maybe we never will, but I have faith that ALL things (good and bad) work together for the GOOD.

Much love,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter TOMS: The End...

It is said that all good things must come to an end... I'm finding that reality to be revealing itself more and more daily. As this crazy experience draws near its end, it is finally starting to sink in that it is really over... This has been one of the best things I have ever done and I wouldn't trade one second of it for anything. I've learned soooo many things about life and about how to deal with people and how to love people! I've met people who's level of awesomeness I didn't know existed! There have been HARD TIMES! We persevered and we made it! Just want to shoot out a big thanks to my teammates Jenny and Caitlin for making it what it was!

What's next? I have no idea honestly. I got a tattoo of tied shoelaces on top of my feet to symbolize my readiness to go wherever God calls. I really want to be open to anything because I'm not sure my life's calling has been revealed to me yet. I know that whatever I do it HAS to involve helping people. I've been super blessed with knowledge and talents that seem super random, but I know that I'm just being prepared for something great! Pray that I find that and until then, that I do the small things with great love!

Anyway, the blogs should start being more frequent again because I'm not always tired and emotionally drained now that I'm off the road:-) Can't wait to keep all of you up to date on my life and the lessons I have and will learn along the way!

Much Love,

Monday, April 13, 2009


there once was a boy named rerek who lived in an enchanted moving house far far away. he lived there with his two friends shmaitlin and flennifer. rerek and his two friends loved to go on long drives to do events for the company they work for, LOMS Bloes.

One day after an especially long drive, and an especially hard event, rerek and the two girls got a day off for shmeaster. This day off felt soooooo wonderful to the three that they decided to feast and feast they did! There was tofurkey, and messy potatoes, and green bean casserole, and 4 different kinds of dessert. In the midst of this colossal bounty rerek made the key mistake of eating too much. Now rerek has insomnia because his belly is full and aching... THE END

hope you all enjoy my oh so short fictional story! In fact, though, it was loosely based on a true story. The names were changed to protect the innocent. Happy Easter everyone and don't forget that the reason there is a season is because the only perfect man, who also happened to be fully God, laid down his life in sacrifice to atone for our past, present, and future transgressions. It really is the ultimate love story!

Monday, March 23, 2009


That word is beginning to disgust me... I'd say that most of those reading this are married and I'm totally cool with that, but I just am tired of hearing about it... I MIGHT get married some day and that will be fine, but for now I'm totally content pursuing Christ instead of a girl.

I'm kinda tired of Christian community being a holy dating pool. Paul talks about just this in 1 Corinthians 7:8-9:

8Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. 9But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

I absolutely don't believe there is anything wrong with marriage, but those who choose not to pursue it shouldn't be made to feel like second class citizens. Paul says that it is good not to marry. I believe that marriage is a calling that not everyone receives and I am absolutely okay with that if I'm not one who does.

I feel like all too often people, especially Christian people, have this illusion that marriage will make them happy (or sex as a result of being married will make them happy). The real problem here isn't the desire to have sex as you might be thinking. Everyone has the desire to have sex... It is ingrained in us from the beginning and is something we all deal with! The main concern is the lack of faith associated with not believing that God knows what is best and that his best will lead to true happiness. True lasting happiness will never be found in another person. It can ONLY be attained through relationship with God that includes submission to his plan.

This is what's on my mind as my friends are getting engaged and married... I'm sooo happy for them, but I slip into this place where I start to doubt whether God is going to send me someone... I then read something like 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 and it shows my silly thoughts for what they are.... silly! I have to have faith that God is bigger than my simple mind and that His plan has been well thought out and has perfect timing. God is growing me as a person to succeed in carrying out the plan He has predetermined that I am best suited for.

I've been speaking directly about marriage and relationships, but the concept of having faith that God's plan is perfect can apply to just about any situation of worry or stress. I guess my prayer today is that we could all turn our worries over to God and have enough faith to know that whatever happens that all things work together for the good.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Forgiveness is not conditional...

The title really says it all for this one... If you don't want to take my word for it check out Matthew 6:14-15...

14 For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15 but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Those verses scare me... I've been in situations where it felt impossible to forgive those who acted against me. I read these verses, but I'm like a man who looks at himself in the mirror and turns away and immediately forgets what he looks like(James 1:24 very loosely) It's sooooooooooooo easy to forget the fact that we are all broken people!!! I get to this place where I totally forget that! I start thinking that I am always right... I want to embrace Christ and his forgiveness and accept my brokenness and become aware of it in others... Christ has forgiven ME!!! The creator of the universe can forgive ME! This is basic stuff, but it blows my mind!

I've come so far in my faith through this whole experience. I really feel like I am exactly where I need to be at exactly this moment. I just want to make sure my life's song is praises to Christ:-)

Love and mucho randomness,


Monday, March 2, 2009

On the ROAD!!!

I'm on the road and I got a new hat!!! ^ (that's an arrow to look up at the picture of my hat:-) This whole trip has so far been one of the coolest experiences of my life! I've driven through passes cut in the Rocky Mountains with drills and dynamite and passed cow fields in Nebraska that would make a weaker man vomit! I love to travel, I love to connect people with a means of changing the world, I love loving people!!! I get down just like everyone else because we're all broken people living in a broken world and that's just part of life:-) I cruised the hippie part of town and got advice to never enter a club that has an armed guard, I went to a Chuck E Cheese that had an armed guard at the door I considered his advice and went in anyway... yeah I'm that hardcore... LA has changed me... I'm afraid of nothing:-)

I love you people!!! Every single one of you!!! Be the change you wish you see in the world!!! Buy TOMS Shoes and check out NURU!!!



Thursday, February 12, 2009


A few fellow Vagabonds and I recently got the opportunity to spend some time with the homeless population of L.A. I have spent time with the homeless in Morgantown, but I've never in my life experienced anything like downtown L.A. at night. We didn't even make it to the area of highest homeless concentration, but there were people on every corner, sleeping. In this land of excess and wealth there is a forgotten group of people who literally sleep on the doorstep of excess. We got the chance to spend some time talking with a few different people and every time I spend time with these people I find it harder to retreat to a warm bed when I get cold or tired...

I was thinking last night about how easy and hard it would be at the same time for me to end up homeless. I really don't know if I could survive in that atmosphere... The streets are hard... I'm not sure there is any way to no the extent of this without experiencing it. I experienced it once in Morgantown when we left our safe circle to go round up people to come get food. We walked down the rail-trail and got caught in the middle of an arguing/cussing match with baseball bats involved. I immediately thought of this event when our new friend Papa Wayne gave us some advice. He said that, "on the streets, you have to deal with people on their own level. If they want to deal on an intelligent level then you have to do it that way, but if they want to deal on a physical level, well, I'm good at that."

I want to give a little background on Papa Wayne at this point. His name is Carol Wayne(I wouldn't call him that upon first meeting him or you might risk a beating:-). He is one of the most loving and amazing people I've ever met in my entire life... He's a veteran of the conflict in Vietnam. He's a pack rat. We took food to him and left with more stuff than we came with. He couldn't believe how lucky Justin and I were to live in a house with 12 women(although we argued emphatically that we were not lucky at all, more cursed). In all honesty though, I have no idea how he ended up where he is. I do know that he's been in the same general area for roughly 18 years.

I read recently that it is projected that in the near future there will be 1.5 million more homeless people in the U.S. That number isn't acceptable... I don't know what the solution is. I know that God has a heart for the poor. He loves everyone, but dealing with the poor is a common thread through the whole thing. It is not acceptable for "The Church" to take food out once a week and pat themselves on the back for "helping" and then go back to warm beds... I mean anything we do is good but it's not enough. We live lives of such excess with cars, computers, ipods, cell phones, clothes, cameras, shoes, bikes, big houses, hundreds of dollars worth of camping gear, and we've even surrounded ourselves with fancy leather bound Bibles... Most of those things are pulled directly from my life...

I don't have a pretty picture to go along with this blog because there's no way to capture what I'm feeling...

This post is already too long, but I have more to say... We met with Blake Mycoskie, the founder of TOMS Shoes, yesterday and I have reflections to talk about from that meeting. He's a pretty amazing dude and for sure an inspiration in many ways!

Leaving you with mucho love!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Another year closer to death...:-)

So it's my birthday! I figured it would be a great opportunity to give an update on all things me...:-) I really don't feel any older... I don't want to let myself get old. I know people who are my age who seem much older than I am. I don't think it's a maturity issue though... I know I am mature, I just love to be goofy and have a good time. Anyway that's a little update on what's in my brain but I'm gonna talk a little more other stuff this time.

This time 23 years ago my mom was not having fun...

Today my friends from Morgantown sent a birthday package that blew me away with the level of thoughtfulness and love that was in that little box!!! I'm continually impressed by them! It worries me that the life changes I'm going through now, and will go through it the next few months, will grow us in different directions... I know we have one thing that draws us together that we can never lose!

My teammates are pretty great also!!! They used their negative baking skills to whip up some cupcakes last night for my bday complete with purple turds on top. They tried to make it a surprise but they aren't very smooth:-) I love them though, and I can already see bonds developing that will carry us through the rough patches of getting on each others nerves. I included a pic at the top of us doing our signature three way high five! The patent is pending on that so no one steal it!

My parents and sisters are also pretty great! They have been so supportive of this whole endeavor even when they weren't sure if it was the best idea ever! I love them more than they know and love the people they are and are becoming! I really miss them... My phone was blowing up before I was out of bed this morning cause my Dad was calling to wish me a happy birthday. Kayla wrote on my wall on facebook way before I ever thought about waking up(3:00am our time). She also attached herself so much to my cause that she applied to be a campus rep at her school! She's becoming an amazing person who IS going to change the world! I have absolutely no doubt!!!

Anyway, Just watched the video from the Morgantown crew!!! Tiff, if you made that, I do hate you, but for making me cry in front of everyone.!.!.! Love ya though, and you continue to inspire me with you life and your words of wisdom! Thanks for listening to me complain with an open mind and asking the right questions!

I'm gonna go enjoy the moment,


Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lessons in Love?

I really have no desire to try and fully understand the way God works. It is a marvelous balance that is always perfect and always revealed in due time. I guess the thoughts that are going through my mind are about how God uses the situations we're in to teach us how to live, to teach us how to love.

I'm living in a house with 14 people, most of which I would probably never be friends with under normal circumstances. The ages range from 19-28. There is no possible way that everyone can be on the same level as far as maturity is concerned. Gossip happens, people get on peoples nerves, dishes don't get washed, some like to stay up late, some like to get up early, some like to eat meat, some don't, some follow Jesus, some don't, some talk loud, some talk quiet, some are neat and some are very messy. Everyone is different and we're called to love without prejudice the way that Christ loves us, in spite of ourselves.

We all naturally have a God sized void inside of us that can't be filled by anything else... It breaks my heart to see people trying to fill that void with alcohol, drugs, or even other people. I have an enormous capacity to love these people because I know what it feels like to be where they are... I've been there, I've felt the brokenness, I know the satisfaction that Christ brings to our lives!

That being said, the people I have little capacity to love are the ones who annoy me... It's hard for me to write this post because I've claimed to be a lover of all people for a long time now. I really need Christ to mold me into a man who can love with out prejudice... I am full of preconceived ideas about people when I first meet them based on the way they look, or talk, or smell... This can't go on...

My prayer right now is that I die to myself, and daily take up my cross and follow Christ... Selfishness is something I've always struggled with and it's even harder to deal with in this land of material excess called Los Angeles. I pray for a humble heart and a servants attitude. If you're reading this I'd ask you to say a prayer for me in these areas. I am adjusting to my new surroundings and I'm not sure that is always a good thing...

Until next time,

Friday, January 30, 2009

So much to say, so little time!

It's been a little while since my last post and a ton has gone on, but yet again I don't have time to talk about all of it so I'm just gonna post a few pictures and you can ask me about them if you like cause each has a very interesting story!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rick Warren's Prayer at the Inauguration.

Almighty God, our Father:

Everything we see, and everything we can’t see, exists because of you alone.

It all comes from you, it all belongs to you, it all exists for your glory.

History is your story.

The Scripture tells us, "Hear, O Israel, the LORD is our God, the LORD is one." And you are the compassionate and merciful one. And you are loving to everyone you have made.

Now today we rejoice not only in America’s peaceful transfer of power for the 44th time, we celebrate a hinge point of history with the inauguration of our first African American president of the United States.

We are so grateful to live in this land, a land of unequaled possibility, where a son of an African immigrant can rise to the highest level of our leadership. And we know today that Dr. King and a great cloud of witnesses are shouting in heaven.

Give to our new president, Barack Obama,

the wisdom to lead us with humility,
the courage to lead us with integrity,

the compassion to lead us with generosity.

Bless and protect him, his family, Vice President Biden, the Cabinet, and every one of our freely elected leaders.
Help us, O God, to remember that we are Americans--united not by race or religion or blood, but to our commitment to freedom and justice for all.

When we focus on ourselves, when we fight each other, when we forget you--forgive us.

When we presume that our greatness and our prosperity is ours alone--forgive us.

When we fail to treat our fellow human beings and all the earth with the respect that they deserve--forgive us.

And as we face these difficult days ahead, may we have a new birth of clarity in our aims, responsibility in our actions, humility in our approaches, and civility in our attitudes—even when we differ.

Help us to share, to serve, and to seek the common good of all.

May all people of good will today join together to work for a more just, a more healthy, and a more prosperous nation and a peaceful planet.

And may we never forget that one day, all nations--and all people--will stand accountable before you.

We now commit our new president and his wife, Michelle, and his daughters, Malia and Sasha, into your loving care.

I humbly ask this in the name of the one who changed my life—Yeshua, 'Isa, Jesus [Spanish pronunciation], Jesus—who taught us to pray:

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,

for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just Stop and Think

I came across a short film today that really made me "just stop and think" which also happens to be title of the video. It is available to watch online HERE . Check it out and let me know what you think!


Monday, January 19, 2009

I have sinned...

I have sinned

I have broken your heart

I have strayed

From the path that you laid down for me, Lord

And what can I do

I am the problem

And I am helpless in myself

I have been crucified with Christ

And no longer live

I am a new creation now

Just a little song by a guy named Justin McRoberts called Galatians 2:20. It is such a powerful song and speaks volumes about what I'm feeling right now. I've been shown over the past week that I really am helpless in myself and I really desire to completely rely on Christ...

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Battle

So, after a little more than a week here in L.A., things are going pretty good! We spent a week learning about how to tell the TOMS story and getting the details of our team and tour. I learned to drive a 15 passenger van and didn't wreck or break anything. Again everything has been going great and I am absolutely loving my job and my fellow vagabonds!

That being said, I am struggling emotionally! I miss my friends from home... I miss my relationship with my boys asking me hard questions about my walk with God! Don't get me wrong, I have some awesome Christians in my life, but I'm just not at the place relationship wise that they are calling me out for being stupid... I need those people in my life and I'm seeking it out right now. I have tons of questions that I'm hoping I can figure out the answers to soon so that I can fully adjust to life in this new city.

I guess the first question I have is how to balance the most ridiculously hectic life I've ever been a part of with a growing relationship with Christ? I really need to focus more on getting one on one time with God. It is so hard to get alone time when you live in a house with 14 people. I guess it really means being more intentional and getting up when it isn't exactly comfortable to read the Bible and pray... Maybe it means going to bed a little bit earlier also... I really don't know, but I know exactly what to do all at the same time.

Given the right context, my personality allows me to put my faith in my relationships with others while straying from God. I feel like I'm moving in that direction right now, but I know this about myself and I can make changes. Another personality flaw that I have is justification... I'm really good at justifying my actions...

I knew before coming out here that I would have tremendous opportunities to grow as a person and it has already started. It is way easier to see your flaws and have them pointed out to you when you're amongst the same 13 people all day every day. I guess my prayer for the moment is that I find someone to call me out for being stupid and to spur me on toward growth in Christ. I love everything about this experience so far, and I hope that I can maintain an open mind and a loving heart toward everyone I come in contact with! I want to be the change I wish to see in the world and I want to love like Christ loved.... Unconditionally and without prejudice...

Sorry for the somber tone, but maybe this picture will cheer up the mood of the post:-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Real World - TOMS

After three days in California getting settled in to work for TOMS Shoes, I feel like I'm just now settled enough to begin to reflect on everything. Let me just start by saying that prayers have been answered with regards to my fellow vagabonds! They are amazing people and getting to know them has been a ridiculous trip so far! I spent all night Friday night talking and getting to know one particular teammate and I learned a lot about myself from talking to her. Really weird when that happens, but very cool! I really love deep conversation... I love it more than anything that is of this world!

I came here to grow as a person and I feel like having my history fresh in my mind is a great way to not commit the same mistakes. I've done lots of dumb things, but the crazy thing is, I have forgiveness that I'll never be able to deserve from God. That thought blows my mind! It's also cool to see how he's molded me as a person into someone who can handle the stresses of all that is and will be thrown at me. I mean I'll probably still make mistakes and get angry and annoyed, but just to see where I am now compared to even just one year ago is pretty amazing!

Anyway, here is a run down of everyone and I'll come back with something cool that I've learned about them in a later post/s. Ana, Tia, Liz, Hajar, Carolyn, Krysten, Sloan, Carmin, Jenny, Justin, Kelli, Blair, Caitlin, and, of course, me. All in all that is 14 and J-Dawg and D-Money are the only two fellas...

Anyway work starts on Monday and it looks like it's going to be crazy! I think we're gonna check out a church or two today so I'll try to give a run down of that assuming I can find time:-)

Love, Peace, and Toficken Grease,


Friday, January 2, 2009

Faithwaders pt. 1

So, I don't know if you've ever been aroused from sleep by someone saying that there is poo flowing out of the bathtub and toilet onto the floor.... but I have:-)

Last Friday and group of friends and I started out on a journey to North Carolina to catch the Mieneke Car Care Bowl in which WVU was playing, and then on to the Ridgecrest Conference center for the annual Faith Walkers Conference. The trip down and the bowl game were awesome and we had some great spiritual conversations and some not so spiritual conversations:-) Everything was great until the morning after we arrived at the conference center...

I went to sleep Saturday night after a great worship session with the band from OSU not knowing what I was about to wake up to... My first memory of the morning was hearing Billy get out of bed and walk into the bathroom and come out and sit on the couch. Someone else got up and went in the bathroom and I remember hearing a distinct EWWWWW!!!! and Billy was like yeah I thought the level looked high on the Anyway, about five minutes later the poo water was pouring out of the bathtub and toilet and onto the floor!!!

I luckily had taken a shower the night before so the things I had to do to get ready didn't involve the bathroom because we had a sink outside of the bathroom. By the time I got out of bed it was time for me to prep my coffee and brush my teeth, both of which involved making it to the sink which was surrounded by a sort of mote that was trying to keep sleepy travelers from making it to the one sink that was sort of accessible.

Needless to say I straddled that mote and got the important things, like making coffee and getting rid of morning breath, done. It wasn't until after we narrowly escaped the flood that I first heard someone use the term Faithwaders. It was then that I knew I needed to blog my side of the story and let people know of the dangers of letting Billy go to the bathroom first in the morning... The only logical theory on how this whole situation went down is that he did SOMETHING when he went to the bathroom before anyone else was up:-) I guess we'll never know for sure though... Anyway, love ya bill-bill and sorry for being hard on you even on my blog...:-)

I'll probably write more about the past week a little later after a little more processing time!!!

Until then,
